Veterans Day Ceremonies
Veteran’s Day is fast approaching. There are many ways that we all celebrate veteran’s day. Consider joining one of the ceremonies around the county this year.
Saturday November 5 CLOPPER-MICHAEL POST #10 will be Placing flags on veterans graves. Volunteers should meet at the Boonsboro Cemetery at 8:30 a.m.
On November 10 CLOPPER-MICHAEL POST #10 will be hosting a Veterans Day program at the Boonsboro High School gym starting at 9:30 a.m. Open to the public.
On November 11 at 9:30 am the Joint Veterans Council will host a ceremony at Marty Snook Park in Halfway.
Also on November 11 at 11am the Auxiliary of Morris Frock Post 42 will host a ceremony and wreath laying at the memorial outside the Circuit Court on Washington St. in Hagerstown. The new horizons band will be playing patriotic music before the ceremony.
At the same time Antietam Unit 236 American Legion Auxiliary will be holding its annual Veterans Day ceremony at 11 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 11, in the square of Sharpsburg.
At 2pm on November 11 Smithsburg will host a wreath laying ceremony at Memorial Gardens in Veteran’s Park Smithsburg.
At 3:30pm the Joint Veterans Council will host a ceremony at the Vietnam Memorial on S. Walnut St.
Plenty of opportunities to show your support and appreciation to all those who served.